General Information
Before using high voltage connectors please see the specific equipment regulations and standards with its particular requirements. It is the user’s responsibility to check whether the components illustrated in this catalogue comply with different regulations from those stated in special fields of application which we are unable to foresee. We reserve the right to modify designs in order to improve quality, keep pace with technological advancement or meet particular requirements in production. All technical data, dimensions or characteristics are stated with the provisio of error or modification. With the data given in this catalogue the components are specified but no properties are guaranteed. High voltage connectors are under no EU-Directive and therefore must not bear the CE marking.
Safety Instructions
Do not mate or unmate High Voltage Connectors under load. Protection against electric shock has to be ensured by correct mounting according the mounting type of the connector. The connectors may be used only within the technical ratings. Please be aware that design, installation and inspection of machinery and devices carrying high voltage urgently require accordingly trained and qualified personnel. Improper handling of high voltage can cause severe injuries or even death and may cause serious collateral damage!
Testing Advice
Ratings listed in this catalogue apply to clean connector pairs (pollution degree 1) in standard atmospheric conditions. No warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose is made and all customers must test each component to determine that it meets their operating and reliability requirements. When connectors are used in an adverse environment, other than stated – such as high temperature, humidity, pollution content, extreme mechanical exposure the, - the connector should be derated.